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Welcome to GSD Suhl mbH.

Suhler childrens board

Why is there the Suhler childrens board?

• Increasing child poverty also in Suhl
• Many children leave the house in the morning without breakfast and / or without school bread
• Thus poor concentration; Learning success is hampered

Adequate nutrition helps children develop according to their age and adapt to life. At first, only the symptoms can be combated. The childrens board is also intended to help raise the issue of child poverty. It is intended to influence parents and teachers, to identify causes and, if possible, stop them.

What does the Suhler childrens board do?

In the joint responsibility of the Stadtjugendring Suhl e.V. in the Youth and Vereinsahaus Nordlicht the Mehrgenerationenhaus "The Island" we organize a distribution of breaks between schools in Suhl. An important point is the consideration of a healthy diet. Personell the Kindertafel is secured by funds from money donations and the jobcenters ARGE Suhl. At Suhl, the city youth center, the head of the Suhler childrens board is based on minijob. The subsidiary GSD Suhl mbH also employs the resources of ARGE Suhl employees for the Suhler childrens board. In addition, the family center "The Island" accommodates up to three working days in the project. The employees work in the kitchen and as a driver. However, due to the labor market strategies of the Employment Agency, the childrens board will have recourse to the federal voluntary service. The city of Suhl also supports the Suhler childrens board through the rent-free use of rooms in the Jugend- und Vereinshaus Nordlicht. All other costs, such as the operating costs of the vehicle, the owners own share of the personnel costs, the kitchen equipment / cooling system, the purchase of food for a continuous supply or the printing of advertising flyers for sponsorship must be financed from money donations. Through numerous donations of food from many retail companies, the purchase of food is hardly necessary.
Donations are always needed!

Donation account Childrens board: Rhön- Rennsteigsparkasse; BLZ 84050000, No. 1770000700, IBAN DE72840500001770000700; Intended use: Childrens table

Contact: Mrs. Sawitzki, mobile phone: 0177 5978167